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For a Shared Dream Exhibition Opens in Beijing

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For a Shared Dream Exhibition Opens in Beijing

ByYe Shan September 12, 2021
For a Shared Dream Exhibition Opens in Beijing
Shen Yueyue, Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, President of the All-China Women's Federation and President of the Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation Commission, delivers a speech at the ceremony. [For Women of China]


Exchanges and mutual learning enrich civilizations. Given "a shared dream," various civilizations coexist in harmony. For a Shared Dream — the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Countries Art Exhibition and Painting Exhibition of Female Artists and Children opened in the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC) in Beijing on September 7, 2021. Shen Yueyue, Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and President of the Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation Commission (GNFCC SCO), attended the opening ceremony with Chinese and foreign guests.

Shen announced the exhibition's opening and said the purpose of holding such an event was to enhance people-to-people connectivity and advance the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. She watched carefully and learned about some of the classic works by artists from different countries. She communicated with diplomats from SCO countries, including Andrei Denisov, Russia's ambassador to China.

Shen said all SCO countries boast splendid cultures and their artists' works express their longing for peace, stability and a happy life. People's will lays a solid foundation for the building of a closer community with a shared future, as promoted by Chinese President Xi Jinping and state leaders from other countries.

For a Shared Dream Exhibition Opens in Beijing
Shen Yueyue watches the exhibition with Chinese and foreign guests. [For Women of China]


For a Shared Dream Exhibition Opens in Beijing
Shen Yueyue watches children's paintings. [For Women of China]


In the exhibition hall of children's paintings, Shen was glad to see a long scroll ink-and-wash entitled "Beautiful Life" and the making of a sand table about the 2022 Winter Olympics (to be held in Beijing). She encouraged children to be brave and do sports, so they can enhance physical strength and become braver and more persistent.

For a Shared Dream Exhibition Opens in Beijing
Andrei Denisov, Russia's ambassador to China, speaks at the ceremony. [For Women of China]


As a representative of SCO countries' diplomats in China, Denisov said holding the exhibition ahead of SCO's 20th anniversary summit in Dushanbe, which opened on September 16, was significant. The works of art on display showed vividly the fine arts traditions, folk traits and unique cultures of various SCO countries. The works represented the shared concepts and values, on which the SCO was based, founded and has continued to develop, Denisov added.

Wu Weishan, NAMOC's director, said the exhibits showed the colorful and harmonious beauty of humanity shared by SCO countries.

For a Shared Dream Exhibition Opens in Beijing
Wu Weishan, director of the National Art Museum of China, speaks at the ceremony. [For Women of China]


Those who attended the opening ceremony included: Zhang Xu, Vice-Minister of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China; Li Hui, Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs; Xia Jie, Vice-President and Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF; diplomats from 13 countries, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Iran; SCO's deputy secretary-general; and artists, children and media representatives. Cui Li, Vice-President of GNFCC SCO, presided over the ceremony.

For a Shared Dream Exhibition Opens in Beijing
Cui Li, Vice-President of GNFCC SCO, presides over the ceremony. [For Women of China]


The exhibition was composed of four sections: Homeland and Yearning, Walking and Communicating, Diversity and Connectivity, and Destiny and Coexistence. The works by artists, especially women and children from 18 SCO countries, were on display offline and via multimedia forms. The exhibition, from September 7-21, was sponsored by the ACWF, the NAMOC, the GNFCC SCO and the SCO Secretariat.

For a Shared Dream Exhibition Opens in Beijing
For a Shared Dream — the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Countries Art Exhibition and Painting Exhibition of Female Artists and Children opens in Beijing on September 7, 2021. [For Women of China]


(Women of China)


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